Human factors

It is estimated that 80% of complaints from patients and relatives are due to human factors. These are characterised by communication, leadership, team working, decision making and situational awareness and this makes up some of the fundamentals of 'human factors'.


Working in healthcare involves complex transfer of information. When we are thinking about deteriorating patients, we need to ensure the right information is given to the right person so the patient receives the right response and prompt treatment.


This is a structured communication tool that helps us to deliver complex information in a clear and concise manner. The key tip to remember with ISBAR is that the information communicated should be the 'headlines' only. The receiver of the information can ask for more information if needed. The chart below takes you through the fundamentals of ISBAR. If there is time, it is always advisable to jot down on a piece of paper what you plan to say before making the referral.

Speaking up

There may be occasions when there is a need for you to speak up for patient safety. This is not always easy to do, and challenging colleagues in a constructive way that can be difficult. Using a graded assertiveness tool such a 'PACE' can be useful to help you to gradually increase the intensity of your concern. The illustration below takes you through the steps of the PACE tool.

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